PFDB - Php File Database (v1.0)

Stockage de données sous forme de fichiers plats

What it is :

What it is not :

Disclaimer: do not use Arnapou\PFDB for huge file, you will naturally use lots of memory and CPU. It is not designed for huge files.

I have not the time to make documentation, code is enough simple and readable with php docs to be auto-documented.Examples are the best documentation you will find.


include 'src/autoload.php';

$storage = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Storage\PhpFileStorage($somePath);
$database = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Database($storage);

$table = $database->getTable('vehicle');

$condition = \Arnapou\PFDB\Condition\ConditionBuilder::createAnd()
    ->greaterThan('price', 10000)
    ->matchRegExp('model', '^C[0-9]+');

$iterator = $table->find($condition)
                  ->sort(array('constructor' => true, 'model' => false))
                  ->limit(0, 50);

foreach($iterator as $key => $row) {
    // do whatever you want

Extending Conditions


class IsUppercaseCondition implements \Arnapou\PFDB\Condition\ConditionInterface {

    protected $field;

    public function __construct($field) {
        $this->field = $field;

    public function match($key, $value) {
        if(!isset($value[$this->field]) {
            return false;
        $testedValue = (string)$value[$this->field];
        $isUppercase = ($testedValue === strtoupper($testedValue));
        return $isUppercase;


Usage :

include 'src/autoload.php';

$storage = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Storage\PhpFileStorage($somePath);
$database = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Database($storage);

$table = $database->getTable('vehicle');

$condition = \Arnapou\PFDB\Condition\ConditionBuilder::createAnd()
    ->add(new IsUppercaseCondition('model'));

foreach($table->find($condition) as $key => $row) {
    // do whatever you want

Use PFDB Iterator out of storage context

include 'src/autoload.php';

$array = array(
    array('name' => 'John', 'age' => 20),
    array('name' => 'Edith', 'age' => 25),
    array('name' => 'Steve', 'age' => 30),
    array('name' => 'Matthew', 'age' => 22),

$arrayIterator = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Iterator\ArrayIterator($array);
$condition = \Arnapou\PFDB\Condition\ConditionBuilder::createAnd()
    ->greaterThan('age', 24);
$iterator = new \Arnapou\PFDB\Iterator\Iterator($arrayIterator, $condition);

foreach($iterator as $key => $row) {
    // do whatever you want

Build your own storage

You want to use CSV file instead of php dumped array ?

Easy : extends or implements your own storage and use it to load, store or delete data.

Look at the existing storages and write your own.
